Week 214: 2018-03-31

This was a pretty rough week after last week-end. I wasn’t tolerating much of the day to day BS at work, and that became quite transparent quite quickly.  I still find that we move to slowly.

Words of the week:
  • Speed: Speed is key for me. I’m concerned that too many want to deliberate too long before doing anything. The funny thing is that I don’t mind careful planning, but not to the n-th degree. To me it’s about brush strokes.
  • Planning: Failing to plan is planning to fail. I forget exactly who said that (and the internet seems to say both Ben Franklin and Churchill). It’s a quote that resonates very strongly with me.
  • Alternatives: It’s the first time that I really think about it, but I may have to consider as I’m struggling to get full transparency.
Number of the Week:
  • 4: We have a 4 day break this week for Easter. It’s just so long!